Piercing the Corporate Veil - Part I

Corporate - Piercing the Corporate Veil - Part I

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned all about Corporate - Piercing the Corporate Veil - Part I. Which could be very helpful if you ask me therefore you. Piercing the Corporate Veil - Part I


What I said. It is not in conclusion that the actual about Corporate . You check out this article for information on anyone wish to know is Corporate .


One of the major advantages of incorporation is that it protects shareholders from personal liability. For that purpose, corporations can legally limit their liability exposure by creating corporate subsidiaries to escort obvious operations and take on debt. This way the subsidiary business protects the parent business from liability. Nevertheless, creditors can ask the court to disregard the corporate status of a subsidiary and "pierce the corporate veil" to hold the parent business liable beyond its capital offering to the subsidiary.

Corporate veil can be pierced in a parent/subsidiary context and also when the corporation only has one private shareholder and no subsidiaries. In the latter case, you would be personally liable for the liabilities of your corporation. According to a up-to-date study, California courts pierce the corporate veil in 50.86 percent of cases. Peter B. Oh, Veil-Piercing, 89 Tex. L. Rev. 81, 115 (2010).

Reasons for piercing the veil

Usually plaintiffs try to pierce the corporate veil to get to the parent's or your personal pockets when the corporation's assets are insufficient or unreachable. The court may pierce the corporate veil either before or after rendering a judgment on the merits.

In some cases the plaintiff may ask to pierce the corporate veil for the strategic purpose of acquiring a more convenient jurisdiction and/or jurisdiction with more convenient laws. This is often the case when the parent business is outside of the Us and is doing business straight through a Us subsidiary. In that case, a plaintiff who makes it to the discovery stage is entitled to oblige the defendant to yield huge amounts of documents and witnesses for both the defendant's parent business and its subsidiaries. Plaintiffs are entitled to that at the discovery stage because the Us has some of the most generous discovery laws in the world. This, of course, significantly increases the value of the plaintiff's case and makes the defendant more likely to settle.

The basic task in trying to pierce the corporate veil is to prove that the company, even though a separately incorporated entity on paper, is not assuredly isolate from its owner(s) or parent company.

Two basic theories ready to plaintiffs are: alter ego law and group law of veil piercing. Alter ego law of piercing the corporate veil basically means that the parent or owner dominated the subsidiary with disregard of corporate formalities for the isolate identity, and injustice to the plaintiff is likely to effect unless the corporate veil is pierced. In order to prevail on the group theory, a plaintiff must prove that the subsidiary was acting on profit of the parent as its agent, while the parent exercised total control over the subsidiary. Possession of subsidiary's stock and overlap in administration is normally insufficient to pierce the corporate veil on the group theory.

I hope you have new knowledge about Corporate . Where you'll be able to offer use in your daily life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Corporate .


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