How to sell out Fuel Consumption and Emission For Any vehicle

Non Profit - How to sell out Fuel Consumption and Emission For Any vehicle

Hi friends. Today, I learned all about Non Profit - How to sell out Fuel Consumption and Emission For Any vehicle. Which may be very helpful for me so you. How to sell out Fuel Consumption and Emission For Any vehicle

There is a Kit based on the Geet motor by M. Pantone which will sacrifice consumption of any vehicle by 20-50%. These types of Hydrogen kits exists for a while now the discrepancy in regards to the Ecopra Kit is that it is a "Mechcanical" kit hence it has no overhead for breaking down water into Atoms creating a magnetic plasma. This Plasma is injected into the air intake manifold which optimises and greatly improves combustion.

What I said. It is not the conclusion that the real about Non Profit . You check this out article for facts about what you need to know is Non Profit .

Non Profit

The Kit is bases on the Geet motor which can sacrifice consumption by 80% and emission by 99%, there are thousands of farmers in France that have built this motor and subsequently have financed a lawyer for M. Pantone to be released from his false imprisonment (was accused of fraud and jailed without a particular someone claiming to have been defrauded).

Thanks to these citizen M. Pantone has been released and has come to work with M. Chausse selling these Kit's based on the Geet principle. Essential because it uses the same power (radiant power as per Nikola Tesla) to break the water (vapour) into this magnetic plasma however the discrepancy being that the Kit is a retro injection kit (no need to turn anyone on your engine) vs the Geet which is a motor by in itself.

The Ecopra kit (hydrogen injection system) has been emission tested and a town (council) in France has converted their fleet of approx. 8 vehicles with the Kit testifying to a drop of 40% in consumption and 60% in emissions.

This technology is not new but was viscously suppressed by power corporations and was bought up in one case in the 70's weeks before being implemented on 10 000 vehicles in the Us. This was a deal in the middle of a car parts constructor and the creator to add such a device to 10 000 vehicles. This was stopped by Big oil by throwing a large whole of money at the creator and then filing the invention under "to be studied" category- paper bin.

This is the non profit power organisation Panacea that have tested it independently in Australia and have even increased torque by 20% by adding Hydroxi to the water (search for Ecopra Panacea)

This is serious stuff that engineers have great trouble getting their head around as this is a absolute no no in the teachings of Universities and schools.But the easy truth is "it works "and has been fitted and built (case of Geet) thousands of times and citizen testify to it working.

The source of power was proven to exists in a 1957 mathematical equations and shown experimentally a year later. Http://

The Geet motor was built and tested by one of the worlds best free power device constructor and tester Jean Louis Naudin and the principle can looked at on the worlds best suppressed and dormant patent website called rexresearch.

So this works and the physics are solid yet disregarded due to heavy interference of the oil and electric corporations who coincidentally also run the study syllabus hence choosing what children and university scholars should be studying (organised by the Bilderberg group of criminals).

So the moral of the story it yourself if you are skeptical about it or buy the kit if you believe in it and see for yourself. Check out the Geet motor and the developments of Geet technology.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Non Profit . Where you may offer use within your daily life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Non Profit .


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