Online Stealing - Copyright Consequences and inherent Legal Exposure For Theft Of Online content

Corporate Bylaws Form - Online Stealing - Copyright Consequences and inherent Legal Exposure For Theft Of Online content

Good morning. Yesterday, I learned about Corporate Bylaws Form - Online Stealing - Copyright Consequences and inherent Legal Exposure For Theft Of Online content. Which is very helpful to me so you. Online Stealing - Copyright Consequences and inherent Legal Exposure For Theft Of Online content

I wanted to write about a situation that has indeed happened to my firm as I believe the situation holds some prominent lessons for businesses that sell print article online as well as those who may be tempted to use the material created by others either without authorization or beyond the scope of a license.

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Corporate Bylaws Form

My firm has been in the firm of selling high end legal documents for around 9 years. Each and every document that we well was originally created by me while I was practicing law. I spent hundreds of hours creating these documents to make them both unique and of the highest quality. I took great pains to make the documents traditional works of authorship. I went through a long process of study for each document. I did a lot of reading and study. I would read numerous agreements on the topic, originate an outline, and then sit down independent of any other document and started typing as if I was creating an agreement, from scratch, without the advantage of a form to start with.

I did this for over 250 high quality, full length, technology documents for web developers, software programmers and others in the It industry.

I then went to work containers the documents that I created and have had a very flourishing firm marketing these document packages. My marketing niche was to sell whole packages of 80-250 documents for the price that man would pay for about a quarter hour of attorney time.

I later vast into incorporation, bylaws, corporate kits, real estate leasing, trusts and wills, confidentiality forms, and corporate resolutions and continue to work on new stock lines. All of my documents are originally created and laid out hours and hours of study and work.

Of procedure the next step was to market these packages in the most cost effective manner. This has changed over time as the Internet environment has changed significantly in the 9 years that has passed since I originated this business. One of the marketing methods that I continue to use is maintaining exposure in what remains of the spider quest engines. Those of you who use this marketing tool are well-known with the process of Seo; optimizing the contents of your pages, comparing keyword prominence to other pages that rank well under that keyword, etc.

As I was optimizing for one of my more obscure agreements for Google, I ran across some material that looked suspiciously similar to my packaged products. In fact, even the name of the container was the same. The only difference was that they had in case,granted the opening to purchase personel documents as well as the whole package. On closer examination, I discovered that the documents in the container were my documents, being sold without modification; along with some minor typos and unique wording that I use in my documents. The documents are being sold by a firm that holds themselves out as being The Internet Leader In Downloadable Legal Documents.

Clearly, this type of direct copying is the most egregious of copyright violations. Even the secret facts in the documents were intact, just how I created them in the first place. The only thing that was missing from these documents was my copyright consideration that was contained in a a footer in each of these documents. In total, there appears to be practically 100 of my documents for sale on this web site.

This firm is in a heap of problem and the consequences of it will likely take down their business. As a retired lawyer, I knew exactly the steps to take which may be instructive to others faced with similar situations. I will get to that in a later article, but first let me report a itsybitsy bit about what this firm may be facing.

I am clearly the owner of the copyright on these originally created documents. As a side note, there is a common misconception that you need to registered your copyright in order to articulate protection. In reality, all traditional works of authorship are protected from the time of creation. There are clear advantage to registering your copyrighted material that I cover in other articles. But the lowest line is that registration is not a prerequisite to receiving the security of the Copyright laws.

Additionally, the other firm has clearly violated my ownership as the copyright owner. This would all need to be proved in court of course, but it is a fairly easy case.

As for penalties, this firm would be liable to me for all profits attributable to these documents. I could also elect to take statutory damages instead of having to put on proof of actual damages. These statutory damages would apply even if they greatly exceeds their actual sales revenues from selling my documents. Even for a non intentional violation, the Copyright Act sets damages as 0-,000 per item. If the violation was intentional, statutory damages can be as high as 0,000 per item.

I am assuming there were 100 documents complicated to keep it simple. This means that the range of damages would be ,000 to ,500,000; even if the infringement was not intentional. Direct copying is fairly strong evidence that the violation was intentional. For an intentional violation, the statutory damages for this violation would be ,000,000.

In additions to statutory damages, the Copyright Act also permits me to accumulate attorney fees for pursuing the case.

As you can see, the Copyright Act penalties originate a very strong incentive to avoid stealing the work of man else online. These penalties could be applicable even if there is a valid license is in place permitting the party to use the documents with distinct limitations but those limitations are exceeded. A good example would be the Articles that are submitted to narrative Publishing Sites. Many of the reprint licenses state that the material can be freely reprinted in case,granted that the author box is included. If the narrative is republished without the author box, the use would exceed the license that was granted to use the documents. This would be as much of a Copyright Infringement as the situation I described above and could expose the violator to similar damages.

So the part here is:

For the user of online material, when doing firm online, abide by the Copyright Laws. The inherent penalties are great and could fully destroy the firm you have created. comprehend that material is protected even if you accumulate it for free online and even if it does not bear a copyright notice.

For the inventor of online content, be vigilant. Actively look for population violating your copyright. quest for your unique content. When you find man infringing your copyright, don't let it slide. That is your hard work and it is stealing.

Look for my next narrative outside the steps to take when you find man has violated your copyright.

I hope you have new knowledge about Corporate Bylaws Form. Where you'll be able to put to easy use in your life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Corporate Bylaws Form.


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